
Special Education Advocate

Holly Correa has been an educator for over 20 years. She has a M.A. in Educational Leadership, a California Administrative Services credential, in addition to a Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential. Her experience teaching students with spectrum challenges such as Asperger’s and Autism, combined with her experience facilitating the IEP process, make her an excellent child advocate. On a personal note, Holly is the mother of a child with high functioning autism and has advocated on his behalf throughout his life. She understands first-hand the impact having a special needs child places on the family, and is passionate about finding just the right combination of support so that everyone thrives.

Please call Holly for your Southern California Advocacy needs. 805 512-2034

Advocacy Training

We have just completed our Advocacy School training classes and the Free School is now open to the public. The nine units cover the entire process from Eligibility to Litigation. The curriculum is perfect for attorneys, psychologists, parents of special needs children and others. Please visit our Online School .

Book Store

Child Behavior
Child Psychology
Down Syndrome
Educational Psych
Gifted and Talented
Home Schooling
Juvenile Justice
Learning Disability
Mental Retardation
Psychological Testing
Special Education
Social Skills
Study Skills

Educational Toys

Social Skills
Gifted Kids

Finding Advocates

If you need to find an advocate for your child, try searching the COPAA database of members who represent special needs children.

So. Cal. Links

SpEd Law



Rene Thomas Folse, JD, Ph.D.

I am an attorney at law and licensed psychologist (PSY 11415) in California.

I have had over thirty five years of experience with disabled adults and children.

I have created this site to help provide useful news and information for parents, educators and advocates. I am retired from professional practice, however if you need further information you may contact Pause4KIDS my affiliated non-profit organization here.

Specific Disabilities

Visual Impairment
Cerebral Palsy
Hearing Loss
Developmental Delay
Down Syndrome
Emotional Disturbance
Intellectual Disability
Learning Disability
Spina Bifida
Brain Injury
Other Health

Training Links

It is important that parents have opportunities to enhance their knowlege about their children and the services that are available for them. Here are a few links to orgainizations that provide training.



Psychology License
Child Advocacy
Special Ed


The Sandwich Kid: A Film About Siblings & Disabilities

The Child Psychologist Video Library

The video presentations contained in the following topical catalog help parents and professionals to understand some of the compelex issues of children with disabilities. These presentations are found on various repositories throught the internet, and are organized here topically with the list below. Please select the topic of interest from the menu.
Libarary Topic
Library Details
Autism Spectrum Disorder VideosAutism now effects about one in one hundred children. The video presentations contained in this section will discuss various aspects of this disorder.
Child PsychologyThis library will have presentations from the perspective of child psycology and other mental health professionals who are not typically within the medical profession.
ParentingThis library has subjects that are helpful for parents to learn how to work more effectively with their children.
Emotional DisturbanceThis library deals with topics about children who have specific mental health issues such as childhood depression, anxiety, or other diagnostic categories.
Juvenile JusticeSadly, for some of our children there is what is known as the "school to jail pipeline" as it seems that there is an unrelenting number of our children who become involved in the criminal justice system. This library will have presentations about the various juvenile justice issues in our nation.
PediatricsThe Pediatrics section has presentations from pediatricians or other medical professionals who help with medical interventions for children. This library will give insight into the perspective of the medical profession when dealing with children.
Behavior ProblemsThere are times that the focus of attention is a child's inappropriate behavior. This library contains videos on topics relelvant to behaivor problems in children.
Learning and MemoryThis section deals with the conceptional framwork for learning and memory in the brain. This is a hot topic for reasearcher, and there is promise for future therapies.